Secure Text

Texting has become one of the most popular way for adults to communicate. What happens when you tap SEND? Was your text received by the intended recipient? Will it be deleted, or forwarded to others?

Secure Text from Certifient provides secure, real time texting by encrypting your messages so that only you and your recipient can read it. Secure Text is a HIPAA/HiTECH compliant solution that encrypts messages in transit and validates recipients before sending. Secure Text keeps an audit trail, enabling you to know when messages have been sent, and when they have been opened.

Additional features include:
Limited lifespan of texts; deleting them at a pre-set time or date
Securely share and send files and attachments including photos
Read-receipt – instantly know when your text has been read
Recall feature allows you to recall a text before or after it has been opened
Secure Text works on Android™ and iOS smart phones, PC’s and laptops, making it an ideal solution for private or enterprise use. Installing Secure Text takes only moments, and no hardware purchase is required.

About Us

Certifient Secure Messaing reduces the cost and complexity of sharing sensitive data in a secure and compliant way.

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1155 F St, NW Suite 1050
Washington DC 20004
1(202) 656 3740
info at

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